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Brainchem-Safety Data Sheets and regulatory compliance

With a strong presence in the chemical industry dating back to 2003, we are proud to offer comprehensive services encompassing technical consultation on Safety Data Sheets and regulatory compliance.

Businesses and industries involved in the production or import of various chemical products, including disinfectants, detergents, paints, lubricants, fertilizers, medical devices, cosmetics, e-cigarette liquids, and more, have consistently relied on us for our extensive range of services that span every aspect of industrial product management.

Leveraging our many years of experience and unwavering commitment to excellence, we provide invaluable guidance and manage your entire product portfolio, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations and the creation of thorough Safety Data Sheets. From inception to the development of sales, we are your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of product safety and regulatory compliance.

George Siokos – Chemical Engineer Dipl.

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Phone : (+30) 2310 612 113

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